“Sun Shore Construction is a professional bathroom and kitchen remodeling Contractor ”

Sun Shore Construction has many years of experience in bathroom remodeling service and general contracting service, providing customers with careful planning, honest management, considering issues from the perspective of customers, and at the same time giving appropriate advice from a professional perspective, trusted by the market and customers.

Call now to get a free estimate978-219-6008

Google Reviews

Sun Shore Construction did an amazing job remodeling my outdated bathroom into a modern masterpiece. I love my new walk-in shower and the beautiful tiles they installed. They were responsive to my needs and I felt like I was in good hands throughout the entire process. Highly recommend!

Abdullah Mohammed Avatar Abdullah Mohammed
January 3, 2024

我最近购买了方太抽油烟机7505,并请Sun Shore Construction的张师傅安装。我非常满意张师傅的服务,他非常专业,服务态度也非常好。他非常高效,安装过程非常干净,没有任何瑕疵。我也很喜欢这款方太抽油烟机的设计款式,非常现代化,而且排风能力很强,使用起来非常方便。 安装之前,我咨询了一些方太抽油烟机的安装步骤和使用方法,张师傅也很耐心地为我解答了疑问。在安装过程中,张师傅也很细心地进行了安装,使用了合适的工具和材料,确保安装的牢固和可靠性。而且,在安装过程中,他也非常注意保护厨房的干净卫生,安装完之后还清理了现场。 总的来说,我非常满意这次购买方太抽油烟机7505和请Sun Shore Construction的张师傅进行安装的经历。我觉得这是一次非常愉快和顺利的购物和安装体验,我也非常感谢张师傅的专业和耐心。如果你也需要安装抽油烟机,我强烈推荐你联系Sun Shore Construction的张师傅,他会为你提供非常优质的服务。

richard quainoo Avatar richard quainoo
January 3, 2024

非常谢谢Eric师傅团队的装修,非常细致真的是很满意!我们进行了厨房厕所以及客厅墙面的改造,厨房新增的中岛Eric师傅花了很多心思在改造罗马柱,最后效果非常漂亮!厕所是我们一起去Home Depot选的瓷砖,Eric的建议非常中肯,整体灰色的效果之后非常惊艳,真的是焕然一新!而且Eric在厕所改造方面极为专业,内部的各种结构功能都有考虑在内,设计都非常合理,之前有漏水的地方都能查出缘由,帮我们全部都修理完!真的装修的非常细致认真专业!还有客厅的墙面隔板安装,电视和壁炉的安装也非常小心细致,真的效果太棒了!最后还是非常感谢Eric师傅以及他的团队,大力推荐!

Katie Chen Avatar Katie Chen
January 3, 2023
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keywords:Boston Bathroom Remodelers Boston Bathroom Remodelers